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Showing results 1 to 20 of 9128  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20193-вимірне геометричне моделювання дизельного двигуна В12Лукань, Т. В.; Лейбюк, Т. Т.
20233D проетування екотуристичного продукту з використанням інформаційних технологійЧех, Х. В.; Качала, С. В.
200440 років підземному зберіганню газу в УкраїніШимко, Р. Я.
2019About of the dynamics of forced oscillations in nonlinear systemsQurbanov, A. N.; Sardarova, I. Z.
2013About the conception of underground gas storage in UkraineStorchak, S. О.; Zaiets, V. О.; Savkiv, B. P.
2019Actualization definitions and theoretical justification distribution ration of oil and gas royalties under decentralizationHoral, K. T.; Perevozova, I. V.; Shyiko, V. I.
2020Adaptation of the material balance of a gas depositZarubin, Yu.; Hunda, M.; Mamus, P.
2018Adaptive and destructive processes of dendrological objects under oil contamination conditionsGlibovytska, N.; Karavanovych, Kh.
2017AGR experience of knowledge sharing cultureSollund, S.
2019An analysis the numerical model of sliding bearingTomczewski, L.
2017An improved portfolio optimization model for oil and gas investment selectionWagenknecht, M.
2015An online course laboratory for studying automatic control systemsKuchirka, Y.; Vytvytska, L.; Pavliv, T.
2024Analysis of alternative approaches to stormwater management and prospects for their implementation in UkraineKravchenko, Maryna; Tkachenko, Tetiana
2024Analysis of anthropogenic transformation of the hydrographic network in the northern part of Lviv according to cartographic sourcesІvanov, Yevhen; Pylypovych, Olha
2023Analysis of groundwater recharge in Nadvirna district by the Korkmaz methodKlymchuk, I.; Arkhypova, L.
2013Analysis of longitudinal, torsional and bending vibrations of drill stringHohol, V. I.; Ohorodnikov, P. I.; Svtlytskyi, V. M.
2017Analysis of pore space of shale rock using microscopic methodsLesniak, G.
2019Analysis of reource opportunities of Ivano-Frankivsk regoin for implementation of socially oriented project implementation in the sphere of renewable energy sourcesKoshlak, H.
2017Analysis of risk management practices in the oil and gasMandryk, I.
2013Analysis of the physical parameters of the sedimentary cover rocks of the northwestern part of DDD in connection with its oil and gas bearing capacityOrliuk, M. I.; Drukarenko, V. V.