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dc.contributor.authorLesovoi, L. V.-
dc.contributor.authorFedynets, V. O.-
dc.contributor.authorKuzyk, V. A.-
dc.identifier.citationLesovoi, L. V. Eguation uncertainty adjustment of the gas flow measurement results flowmeters with standard orifice plates = Коригування рівняння невизначеності результатів вимірювання витрати газу витратомірами зі стандартними діафрагмами / L. V. Lesovoi, V. O. Fedynets, V. A. Kuzyk // Journal of Hydrocarbon Power Engineering. - 2014. - Vol. 1, № 2. - C. 108-114.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe analysis of the relative uncertainty of the measurement result equation of gas flowrate. using differential pressure flowmeters with standard orifice plates, defined in GOST 8.586.5-2005 and DSTU COST 8.586.5:2009. is presented. It has been found out that this equation is presented in a simplified form by introducing simplified equations for calculation of relative influence coefficients of input variables upon mass gas flow rate and relative uncertainty of gas expansion factor. New analyticaldependencies for estimation of relative coefficients of influence of differential pressure on orificeplate, of orificeplate hole diameter and measuring pipeline inner diameter on mass gas flow rate. The equation, used to calculate relative uncertainty of gas.expansion factor has been specified. The new equations, used to determine relative influence coefficients of absolute pressure and gas isentropic exponent coefficient on gas expansion factor have been obtained. It has been found out that relative influence coefficients of input variables on mass flow rate of gas and gas expansion factor accept lower values than coefficients of equations, given in Standards. Values of relative influence coefficients obtained from the authors' equations are in good agreement with the results of the calculation of the equations presented in differential form and given in ISO 5168:2005. The analytical dependence reduces relative uncertainty of gas flow rate measurement result.uk_UA
dc.publisherIvano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gasuk_UA
dc.subjectexpansion factoruk_UA
dc.subjectflow measurementuk_UA
dc.subjectinfluence coefficientuk_UA
dc.subjectmass flow rateuk_UA
dc.subjectstandard primary deviceuk_UA
dc.subjectvariable differential pressure methoduk_UA
dc.titleEguation uncertainty adjustment of the gas flow measurement results flowmeters with standard orifice platesuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeКоригування рівняння невизначеності результатів вимірювання витрати газу витратомірами зі стандартними діафрагмамиuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Journal of Hydrocarbon Power Engineering. - 2014. - Vol. 1, № 2

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